7 Simple Ways to Cut Down on Your Home Water Consumption

With water becoming an increasingly precious resource, it is essential to be mindful of how much water we use and look for ways to conserve it. Fortunately, there are several easy steps that can make a big difference when it comes to reducing home water consumption. One of the most effective methods is upgrading to efficient fixtures. Additionally, installing WaterSense labeled products can help save both water and energy. Checking toilets for leaks is also important as even a small leak can waste up to 200 gallons of water per day!

Another way to reduce home water consumption is by taking shorter showers or turning off the tap while brushing teeth or shaving. This simple step alone can save up to 150 gallons per week! Furthermore, using a bucket instead of running the shower while waiting for hot water will also help conserve this valuable resource. Lastly, investing in rain barrels or cisterns will allow you collect rainwater which can then be used for watering plants and other outdoor activities such as washing cars or boats.

With only 1% of the world's total supply available for human use, conserving this precious resource should be a priority in every household. Taking these seven simple steps will not only help alleviate impending shortages but also save money on energy and utility bills in the long run!

1. Check for Leaks

Checking for leaks is an important step in reducing water consumption. To check for leaks, start by turning off all the water in your home and then checking the water meter. If the meter is still running, you may have a leak that needs to be fixed. A simple visual check of your faucets, showerheads and other fixtures can identify a leak at the fixture. The most common cause of these types of leaks are worn out washers or gaskets. Additionally, locate your home's main shut off valve and shut off the water at the valve to check for any hidden leaks in pipes or fixtures that are not visible from outside. An easy way to detect whether you have any hidden leaks is to read your water meter; learning how to read it can pay off as it will help you identify if there are any unexpected increases in usage which could indicate a leak somewhere on your property. Taking these steps will help ensure that no precious water is being wasted due to undetected leakage from pipes or fixtures around your home.

2. Install Low-Flow Fixtures

Installing low-flow fixtures is one of the simplest and most effective ways to reduce your home's water consumption. Low-flow fixtures are designed to use less water while still providing a good level of comfort and convenience. These modern fixtures, such as toilets, faucets, showerheads, and urinals, can provide the same utility when compared to non-low-flow fixtures but with significantly less water. Low flow faucets reduce the amount of water used by up to 50%, while low flow toilets can save up to 20%. Additionally, these efficient fixtures require less energy for cleaning, transporting and heating water which reduces emissions. Low-flow fixtures are easy to install and can be purchased at most home improvement stores. Installing them is an easy way to make a big difference in your home's overall water consumption.

3. Reuse and Recycle Water

Reusing and recycling water is an effective way to reduce water consumption in the home. Rainwater can be collected and used for watering plants or cleaning, while greywater systems can be connected to showers, sinks, and washing machines to reuse the water for other purposes. Greywater recycling systems collect the used water from sinks, dishwashers, showers and baths before cleaning it up and plumb it back into the house for reuse. Recycling washing machine water is a great way to reduce costs on your water bill as well as conserve resources. Untreated greywater is suitable for watering lawns, trees, and some garden plants but should not be used on edible crops due to impurities in the water. In rural areas composting toilets are a more sustainable option when reducing domestic use of water while rainwater harvesting is most effective when integrated into existing plumbing systems.

4. Use Water-Efficient Appliances

Upgrading to water-efficient appliances is one of the most effective ways to reduce your home's water consumption. Many modern appliances have been designed with water conservation in mind, and they can help you save money on your utility bills while still getting dishes clean. For example, some dishwashers are designed to use less water than traditional models, yet still get the job done. According to Tompson, “Modern energy-efficient dishwashers save the most water (and energy), but even older models can be more efficient than handwashing.” This will also reduce electricity costs since there will be less demand placed on your water heater.

Toilets are another important factor when it comes to reducing home water consumption. Look for toilets that feature a WaterSense label from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). This logo indicates that the toilet has been tested and certified as being highly efficient in terms of both performance and efficiency. According to Energy Star, a WaterSense labeled toilet uses 20% less water than standard models without sacrificing performance or flushing power.

When shopping for new appliances such as dishwashers or clothes washers, look for those with smart technology that allows them to consume less water while still providing excellent cleaning results. Many modern machines come equipped with sensors that detect how much laundry is inside and adjust their settings accordingly so they don't use more than necessary amounts of hot or cold water during each cycle – saving you money in the long run! By investing in these types of energy-efficient appliances you'll not only help conserve resources but also save money on your utility bills each month!

5. Take Shorter Showers

Switching to a water efficient showerhead is an easy way to reduce water consumption. The standard showerhead uses about 2.5 gallons of water per minute, but a low-flow model can use as little as 1.5 gallons per minute, saving up to 25% of the total amount of water used in the shower. Not only will this save money on your energy bills, but it will also conserve an incredible amount of water for all 320 million of us.

In addition to switching out your showerhead for a more efficient model, you can also save both energy and water by taking shorter showers. Instead of taking long leisurely showers that last 10 minutes or more, try limiting yourself to five minutes or less and shut off the faucet while you lather up with soap and shampoo. This simple change can help reduce your home's overall energy costs while conserving precious resources for everyone in the country.

The U.S.. Environmental Protection Agency's WaterSense program recommends setting a timer when you take a shower so that you know exactly how long it takes and how much time has passed since you started washing up - this helps keep track of how much time is spent in the bathroom each day and encourages people to take shorter showers overall! Taking shorter showers not only saves money on energy bills but also helps conserve our limited supply of fresh drinking water - something we should all be mindful about doing every day!

6. Don't Let Water Run

One of the simplest ways to conserve water in your home is to turn off the tap when you're not using it. This small change can add up to big savings over time. For example, just by turning off the tap while brushing your teeth in the morning and before bedtime, you can save as much as 4 to 8 gallons of water! Additionally, if everyone in your family leaves the water on while brushing their teeth, as much as 600 gallons can be wasted each month.

Washing dishes by hand is another great way to conserve water. Instead of leaving the faucet running for rinsing, fill one side of your sink with clean rinse water and use that instead. This will help reduce your overall consumption significantly. Similarly, when cooking or washing hands, make sure you turn off the tap when not actively using it - this will help save even more!

Water conservation has many benefits beyond just saving money on utility bills; it also helps prevent pollution in nearby lakes, rivers and local watersheds. By reducing our collective consumption we can ensure that these vital resources remain healthy for generations to come!

7. Use Water-Saving Strategies in the Garden

Water conservation in the garden is an important part of reducing your home's water consumption. Planting drought-resistant plants and installing a drip-irrigation system are two great ways to save water. Drought-tolerant plants such as white fir, yarrow, yucca, and sage require less water than other varieties and can help reduce your overall water use. Installing a drip irrigation system eliminates wasted water that comes with traditional sprinklers by avoiding overspray, runoff, and watering walkways instead of just the plants. You can also save on watering costs by strategically placing soaker hoses or installing a rain barrel to collect rainwater for use in the garden. Additionally, using a soaker hose or bubbler instead of spray irrigation will reduce evaporation loss from the soil surface. Finally, avoid spraying foliage when watering; only target the soil where it is needed most for maximum efficiency. With these simple strategies you can make sure your garden stays healthy while conserving precious resources at the same time!


By following these seven simple steps, you can reduce your home water consumption and do your part to conserve this precious resource. Upgrading to efficient fixtures is the most effective way to save water, but there are other ways to help reduce the amount of water you use at home. Always turn off faucets when not in use, take shorter showers, invest in low flush toilets and stop using your toilet as a dustbin. Watering plants with a watering can instead of a hose is also an easy way to save water. Additionally, prefer taking showers over baths and close the tap when brushing teeth. These small changes can make a big difference in reducing your home's water consumption while helping protect our environment for future generations. Sustainability includes conserving natural resources like water; by making conscious efforts today we can ensure that our planet remains healthy for years to come!


With water becoming an increasingly precious resource, it is essential to be mindful of how much water we use and look for ways to conserve it. Fortunately, the...